In a rapidly changing world, animals that have adapted to survive in the most hostile places on Earth must now adapt to a new reality in the blink of an evolutionary eye. Facing everything from intrinsically hostile habitats and brutally punishing weather to the unrelenting threat of predators...
On the second leg of his journey, Hazen Audel descends the sheer face of the Great Rift Valley in search of a herd of migrating elephants.
With winter on its way, Sam and Squibb band together to build Curly a hoist but struggle to lift a massive piece of steel into place.
Antoni and James Marsden travel to Bavaria, where James' ancestors are from. This is from No...
National Geographic/Bernd SchullerNATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Abu Dhabi celebrating International Women's Day, we pay tribute to some of the many female National...
With all its significant galore, Ramadan is back. Millions of Muslims around the world observe fasting from dawn to dusk. Not...
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