• World's Greatest Train Journeys From Above	 show

    World's Greatest Train Journeys From Above

    This 6-part series will follow some of the world's most extraordinary railway journeys from above and on the grounds, taking...

  • Life Below Zero: First Alaskans show

    Life Below Zero: First Alaskans

    The spirit of the land guides Alaska Natives through every season. Tig Strassburg passes on knowledge and skills to his seven...

  • Car S.O.S show

    Car S.O.S

    Warming the cockles of your heart, the ever-popular Car SOS is back for an eleventh season, as Fuzz Townshend and Tim Shaw...

  • Ancient China From Above show

    Ancient China From Above

    In this season, Dr. Allan Maca, an archaeologist and expert in ancient civilizations, investigates China’s distant past from...

SCHEDULE - SHOWTIMES FOR 24 March - 30 March

Earlier Mon 24 Tue 25 Wed 26 Thu 27 Fri 28 Sat 29 Sun 30
8:00am When Sharks Attack: Episode 2Episode 2Great Migrations: Born To MoveBorn To MoveThis 3yr production, filmed around the globe with cutting-edge technology, reveals...Secrets of the Zoo: North Carolina: Episode 3Episode 3Sri Lanka: Leopard Dynasty:
Episode 1
Asia's Wild Secrets:
Mountain Survivors
Secrets of the Zoo: North Carolina: Episode 4Episode 4Zoo Keepers prepare for the birth of a white rhino, two young lions leave the pride...
Secrets of the Zoo: North Carolina: Episode 4Episode 4Zoo Keepers prepare for the birth of a white rhino, two young lions leave the pride...
9:00am Life Below Zero: First Alaskans: Sea of IceSea of IceIndigenous Peoples of Alaska must race against the short days of winter to secure food...Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Asia: Deep Dives and Extreme...Deep Dives and Extreme Drives - Episode 1Primal Survivor: Extreme African Safari: Untamed CoastUntamed CoastHazen Audel tackles the Indian Ocean in a battle to reach a network of coastal coral...Egypt From Above: Episode 5Episode 5Magic of Disney's Animal Kingdom: Episode 1Episode 1
Primal Survivor: Extreme African Safari: SerengetiSerengetiIn an epic finale, Hazen Audel takes on the Serengeti wilderness as he battles to...
Primal Survivor: Extreme African Safari: SerengetiSerengetiIn an epic finale, Hazen Audel takes on the Serengeti wilderness as he battles to...
10:00am Defending Europe: BritainBritainHow Britain has defended its coastline for nearly a thousand years since the Norman...World's Greatest Train Journeys From Above: Canada's Wilderness RailroadCanada's Wilderness RailroadThe Winnipeg to Churchill train crosses the province of Manitoba, along a route that...Rocky Mountain Railroad: Perfect StormPerfect StormDuring spring repair season, a 119-car grain train dodges a broken down locomotive and...Car S.O.S: Episode 7Episode 7Ice Road Rescue: Highway Havoc:
Episode 2
Rocky Mountain Railroad: The Longest JourneyThe Longest JourneyThe Canadian Pacific Railway is taking a perfectly restored, vintage train on an epic...
Rocky Mountain Railroad: The Longest JourneyThe Longest JourneyThe Canadian Pacific Railway is taking a perfectly restored, vintage train on an epic...
11:00am Secrets of The Zoo: Tampa: Canine Gets A WitnessCanine Gets A WitnessAn orangutan gives birth on her own terms, a Sun Bear faces his dental woes, and big...Growing up Animal: A Baby Elephant's StoryA Baby Elephant's StoryThe magical story of a baby elephant, from the womb to her arrival in a drought, to...Shark Fest: Baby Sharks in the CityBaby Sharks in the CityFor the first time shark biologists uncover the secret life of baby great whites off...America's National Parks:
Lake Clark
Great Shark Chow Down:
Episode 1
Pride of India:
Episode 1
Great Migrations: Need To BreedNeed To BreedThe story of migrating creatures around the world, who wage incredible & risky...