As a former football hard man turned Hollywood strong-arm, Vinnie Jones is no stranger to serious roughhousing and fierce...
TOP 10 is an entertaining hour that brings the year's best images to life as the photographers explain how they captured these...
The elite Combat Rescue members of the U.S. Air Force, Pararescuemen, or PJs, have one mission: rescue American or Allied...
Brit Tim Shaw takes his own irreverent brand of science and engineering to the streets of America as he looks to amaze and...
They are some the toughest, most extreme survivalists that Alaska has to offer. Going head to head, eight men of a rare breed...
Airplanes are the lifeblood of Alaska, transporting critical supplies and rescuing the lost and injured in areas where roads...
Every year, hundreds of millions of tourists head off in pursuit of adventure in foreign lands - and each year, millions of...
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, and some people are prepared to risk their lives to get their gold.Featuring...
This past summer in Alaska, three gold mining “families” battled nature, machines and each other in a brutal race against...
Can you put a cash value on three of the world’s most iconic monuments: the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Eiffel Tower and New...
Britain's railways were key to the development of Britain - they helped facilitate the Industrial Revolution, the suburbs-...
This high octane series tells the dramatic stories of some of the most high profile jailbreaks in recent history, and the...
Sometimes the most stunning, eye-popping things come in bite-sized portions. Now, Nat Geo Amazing! - examines dozens of some...
Humanity may be losing half of its intellectual, social and spiritual legacy in a single generation, as the world loses a...