Live Free or Die explores one of America's most remote subcultures, following six people who have left the modern world behind...
Destination wild block returns on the channel with new episodes. This series presents the history of the large island...
This summer, SHARK FEST makes a splash to celebrate a decade of shark content with the most immersive and massive programming...
Spanning thousands of acres and incorporating hundreds of species of animals; Michelle Oakley’s veterinary practice is Yukon...
Entering a dark underworld of mystery and danger, a herpetologist and an underwater cameraman dive below the surface to film...
In Zambia's remote Luangwa Valley there is one Nile crocodile so huge he reigns supreme as the undisputed king. Here,...
Did you know that the world's fastest, strongest and deadliest snakes are much closer to home than you could ever imagine?...
Much like the saltwater crocodile in Australia, the American crocodile population in Florida is making a comeback. In 1975,...
Join survival expert Hazen Audel on an epic adventure to some of the most remote tribal communities in the world. There,...
PYTHONATHON will chronicle the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) latest effort to control the exploding...
Beyond the Magic Kingdom there is a savage side to Florida, a spectacular environment teeming with wildlife where relentless...
Pouring out of Lake Victoria, the Nile bursts into life, growing vast with sandy banks and mighty rapids. Under the scorching...
It might be one of the most famous continents on the planet, but the story of Australia hasn't been told quite like this...
ANIMAL FIGHT CLUB is back for a fifth season, following nature's ferocious battles. Extraordinary weapons and tactics are...
The ultimate series about Africa's most mysterious, dangerous and biggest river - the second biggest on Earth. The blood...
When Lynea Lattanzio was a child, her mother wouldn't let her have a kitten, now she has over 700 cats!She also used to lead a...
Dead or Alive is a brand new series that explores what happens when wild animals and humans collide. Each episode features a...
Just beyond our backyard is another world - wild and untamed, with some of the most dramatic and surprising wildlife survival...
When it comes to experiencing the best, most intimate encounters with wildlife ever seen on television, Nat Geo brings...
Plunge into nature's raw survival stories. It's a sensory immersion and the world's greatest predators are revealed through...