Deep in the disappearing jungles of Africa, the secrets of the most mesmerizing and endangered creatures on this planet are...
Broadcasting live from locations across all seven continents, using cutting edge camera technology, controlled by the biggest...
Sekekama, the undisputed King of the Marsh Pride, must contend with rivals to his throne. His three rising Princes are hungry...
A group of veteran storm chasers have assembled the ultimate first-responder team for the rescue of trapped and injured family...
Wilderness guide and survivalist, Hazen Audel, travels to the world’s most extreme and punishing environments to test out...
America’s National Parks depicts the adventure, beauty and wonder of natural spaces. Each park is a valuable and important...
The breath-taking Caribbean has been shaped by millions of years of unstoppable volcanic forces and ferocious hurricanes,...
Experience the incredible and inspiring rebirth of an African wilderness through the eyes of Emmy Award-winning wildlife...
Kicks off its 12th Big Cat Week in Winter 2023. Recognizing how big cats are continuing to face big challenges, Nat Geo Wild's...
Head deep into the natural world and get right to the heart of the action as this new series documents some of the most...
This is the Yellowstone you never knew. It is a story newly told. With a fresh voice, tuned to the experience of...
World's Deadliest examines the most riveting moments of animal predation. Comparing behavioural skills of fighting, survival...
Pat Spain, young wildlife scientist follows the tradition of scouting the bizarre. Swamp monsters in the Congo? Sea serpents...
Astonishing escapes and daring recoveries. Shocked witnesses and red-faced authorities. These story elements and more comprise...
Crowning South America, Colombia touches both the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans. Sitting on the equator, this wild and...
From the heart stopping to the simply outrageous we bring you the most jaw dropping moments in Animals Gone Wild. It’s the...
Afghanistan, one of the most dangerous places on earth, is also home to a population of endangered and elusive snow leopards. ...
South America’s Pantanal is one of the world’s last natural paradises. Vast wetlands offer plenty of water, food and...
The cheetah: the fastest land animal on earth and a feared predator. But before her cubs can dominate the African savannah, a...
In the natural world there's one rule: eat or be eaten. In this brand new five-part series meet the animals that fall firmly...