Journey deep into the snow bound mountains of central Japan and meet Hiro, a spunky young snow monkey whose charming...
Home to over a billion people, India is best known as a diverse mass of noise, crowds, colour and religious devotion. And she...
Mike Fay and Enric Sala are on a quest to protect the rich coastal waters of Gabon. Full of hippos, sharks, and humpback...
Beyond the Magic Kingdom there is a savage side to Florida, a spectacular environment teeming with wildlife where relentless...
Sri Lanka is a tropical island in the Indian Ocean, off the southeastern coast of India. This land was wracked by civil war...
A wolf lives to hunt. Red meat is their lifeblood, and the alpha must provide. But this is not a story about an alpha male:...
Wild Kalahari explores the fragility of new life, as well as the strong family ties that help animals survive in one of...
Dust and dunes, sun and sand: the parched landscapes of Namibia in southwest Africa are extreme in every way. This Terra Mater...
A grandiose river in southern Spain flows thru Andalusia from North to South, like a huge artery that stretches along 600...
From its hot molten core to the mega sized waves battering its coast, Hawaii is an untamed and very wild bit of paradise that...
The rugged coast of our biggest state harbors the most incredible wildlife in America. When winter breaks, animals make the...
At the edge of the Atlantic lies a land of rock and water. Wind-scoured and rugged yet full of beauty. The islands of the...
Dr. Susan Kelleher owns and operates one of the busiest exotic animal care practices located in South Florida, Broward Avian...
The river’s source can be pinned down to the area of the Ruwenzori mountain range in Uganda. Here, a wonderland with trees...
The Congo: more powerful and dangerous than any other river, yet a sanctuary and home for some of the most wonderful creatures...
Australia – a continent of natural wonders. This four-part series takes you off to the kingdom of the kangaroo and red rocks...
Spanning thousands of acres and incorporating hundreds of species of animals; Michelle Oakley’s veterinary practice is Yukon...
Join this deep-sea saga with underwater photography, gripping news archives and paralyzing testimony to...
Outmanned and outgunned, they patrol hundreds of miles of land, coastline, rivers and streams throughout the state of...