Rock frontman Henry Rollins investigates animal fixations from around the world in Animal Underworld.As he witnesses practices...
This stunning series takes a fresh look at the Atlantic’s watery world and the lands it borders.From Britain’s wild and...
A devastating natural disaster may be brewing beneath the calm blue Caribbean. A vast web of geologic faults could give way...
Borneo is the world’s third largest island. Shrouded in mist, this tropical island teems with strange and exotic life. In...
To find out why sharks are drawn to Hawaii’s volcanoes, biologists Dr. Mike Heithaus and Dr. Frances Farabaugh free dive...
Shark biologists Dr. Johan Gustafson and Dr. Mariel Familiar López investigate rising reports of bull sharks stealing from...
An international team of experts hunts for clues as they investigate why sharks bite humans. They unravel the surprising...
Wild Amazon takes you deep into the heart of the Amazon on a journey you will never forget!Home to the largest rainforest and...
In Florida, a rare event between top ocean predators was captured on video: bull sharks attacking a great hammerhead. Dr....
White sharks have been spotted across Canada as far north as the coast of Newfoundland. After the first suspected white...
Born and raised fishing the waterways of New Orleans, Anthony Mackie explores the growing rumors that shark encounters may...
In 1989, a maverick scientist stuns the world by finding tons of gold on a deep-ocean shipwreck. What follows is a tale of...
Revealing the most extraordinary stories of WWII from a brand-new perspective, this series reconstructs the battle in the...
Examining the life and times of Adolf Hitler and following the full arc of his ascent, tyrannical reign, criminality and undoing.
American missionary John Chau was murdered when he tried to contact and convert one of the most remote tribes in the world....
The award winning producers of the series Wild Russia, Myth of the Forest and Viking Wilderness seek for an even bigger...
We are all human beings. So why do our societies around the world seem so different? How did human civilization develop? And...
World War II left the greatest-ever number of ships and submarines hidden beneath the waves. Now, as the oceans drain, each...
Uganda is still what travellers consider an 'insider tip'. Off the tourist map, a place still in the shadows of its past....
Grab your life vests and hold on to your feeds! Comedians Helen Hong, Keon Polee, and the Sklar Brothers deep dive into the...