From award-winning documentary filmmaker E. Chai Vasarhelyi and world-renowned photographer and mountaineer Jimmy Chin, the...
This series is a heist story turned detective thriller, told from the perspective of the maverick investigators at the heart...
Zoo Diaries goes behind the scenes to tell the stories of the men and women who live side-by-side at the Toronto Zoo with more...
In the Alaskan wilderness, three crews head out on the journey of a lifetime. They build giant log rafts, which serve not...
The Shark Attack 360 team of experts hunt for clues to investigate why sharks bite humans, and to unravel the surprising...
Magic of Disney’s Animal Kingdom, narrated by Disney fan-favorite Josh Gad, gives viewers an all-encompassing backstage pass...
Lost Cities combines hi-tech archaeology, breath-taking visuals and genuine exploration to make headline-grabbing discoveries....
It's over 500,000 square miles of rumored mysteries. In reality, the Bermuda Triangle may be filled with something even more...
Get ready to fall in love with bread all over again. This whimsical documentary series explores what our most fundamental...
Host and intrepid traveler Rainn Wilson traverses the world searching for the secrets to the happiest and least happiest...
Without a doubt, sharks are the most notorious and feared predators in the ocean. In recent years, the number of shark attacks...
Actor and adventure enthusiast Orlando Bloom embarks on a physical, mental and spiritual journey of self-discovery as he...
Home to over a billion people, India is best known as a diverse mass of noise, crowds, colour and religious devotion. And she...
Ultra-marathon swimmer and shark advocate Ross Edgley attempts to pit his mind and body against the most formidable predator...
The much anticipated spin-off series of The Incredible Dr. Pol. which features the good doctor’s family of vets at center...
Norfolk Island – 800 miles from mainland Australia – is home to the largest Tiger Sharks on Earth – growing up to 16...
From the team behind LIFE BELOW ZERO, the next generation of freedom seekers tired of the rat race head off into the wilds of...
Life Below Zero follows six people as they battle for the most basic necessities in the state with the lowest population...
Shark biologists have discovered the nursey of the Atlantic great white, and it’s right off New York City! Now, they’re...
In 1991, inside London's Kensington Palace, Diana, Princess of Wales, participated in a series of secret interviews, recorded...