The expedition team finds a group of sharks and dive in for a closer look.
(03:14)Conservationist Mike Fay and his team travel along the Gabon coastline to document the need for preservation of its marine life.
(02:42)Two lion brothers take a pride by force.
(02:56)Morgan Freeman sees the oldest written depiction of the afterlife inside a 4,000 year-old Egyptian Temple.
(02:21)The wreck of a passenger freighter is discovered in the Gulf of Mexico, sunk by a Nazi U-boat in WW2.
(02:17)Junebug the manatee is being transferred for her big move to Florida waters.
(02:11)A stunning, intimate and unflinching portrait of free solo climber Alex Honnold, as he prepares to achieve his lifelong dream:...
(02:22)In the east, a mysterious place called Ussuriland. Here bizarre turtles dodge the soup dish. In temperate forests, bears hang...
(01:07)Blakiston’s fishing owls. By day, they enjoy the view, and wait for cover of night. Their fluffy chick secures itself in a...
(03:16)Worldwide, ants are so numerous their total weight is almost as much as the human population. A force to reckon with. Workers...
(02:59)With a face like a kangaroo and a vampire’s teeth, the musk deer makes his timid way through the woods in search of lichens....
(03:01)Steller’s sea eagles face adversity with grim determination. Only the toughest survive. They find refuge at lake Kuril – a...