National GeographicNat Geo Wild


  • The Amur Leopard show

    The Amur Leopard

    Few people have ever seen one – or ever will. The Amur leopard. About 30 remain in the wild, making it the most critically...

  • The Secret Forest Harlequin Ducks show

    The Secret Forest Harlequin Ducks

    Harlequin ducks will endure the long winter here. Meantime, they bob around like corks in the breakers and dive beneath the...

  • The Secret Forest Blakiston’s Fishing Owls show

    The Secret Forest Blakiston’s Fishing Owls

    Blakiston’s fishing owls. By day, they enjoy the view, and wait for cover of night. Their fluffy chick secures itself in a...

  • Siberia Premiere show

    Siberia Premiere

    Siberia. Not only a frozen wilderness, it is a region of incredible diversity. Of precarious beauty and endangered animals,...

  • Kamchatka Premiere show

    Kamchatka Premiere

    On Russia’s far Eastern edge is the stark peninsula of Kamchatka. In this surprising place heaven and hell collide. Life and...

  • Kamchatka Bears show

    Kamchatka Bears

    Hungry bears seek the nectar rich flowers. They must eat hundreds to get the equivalent calories of a big salmon. Bears have...

  • Kamchatka Steller’s Sea Eagles show

    Kamchatka Steller’s Sea Eagles

    Steller’s sea eagles face adversity with grim determination. Only the toughest survive. They find refuge at lake Kuril – a...

  • Spur-Thighed Tortoise Courtship show

    Spur-Thighed Tortoise Courtship

    Through April and May males build up their stamina for the mating season. Courtship happens in stages. First, pursuit. And...

  • The Great Divide Sandstorms show

    The Great Divide Sandstorms

    Twitching grasses spell trouble. Time for birds to hold on as best they can. And for those that can, to hide. In Summer,...

  • The Arctic Polar Bears show

    The Arctic Polar Bears

    Polar bears spend much of the year out on the solid ice, but when the white land cracks, it’s time to move on. Their latin...

  • The Arctic Harp Seals show

    The Arctic Harp Seals

    The Arctic ice blankets an area twice the size of Australia. Animals have adapted to live above and below its fickle surface....

  • The Cargo of an Ancient Greek Ship show

    The Cargo of an Ancient Greek Ship

    Archaeologist Stella Demesticha and historian Michael Scott determine the cargo of an Ancient Greek ship.

  • The Secret Forest Premiere show

    The Secret Forest Premiere

    In the east, a mysterious place called Ussuriland. Here bizarre turtles dodge the soup dish. In temperate forests, bears hang...

  • The Secret Forest Chinese Turtles show

    The Secret Forest Chinese Turtles

    After a storm, Chinese turtles move in to check it out. When the lagoon formed, it trapped thousands of small fish. Bad news...

  • The Secret Forest Amur Tigers show

    The Secret Forest Amur Tigers

    Among the most critically endangered animals in the world - It’s thought about four hundred Amur Tigers remain in the wild....

  • Siberia Ants show

    Siberia Ants

    Worldwide, ants are so numerous their total weight is almost as much as the human population. A force to reckon with. Workers...

  • Siberia Reindeer show

    Siberia Reindeer

    Through the hills of Yakutia comes a relentless army. Reindeer. A herd of a thousand strong.

  • Siberia Musk Deer show

    Siberia Musk Deer

    With a face like a kangaroo and a vampire’s teeth, the musk deer makes his timid way through the woods in search of lichens....

  • Red Fox Mating Ritual show

    Red Fox Mating Ritual

    It’s now time to be social. Males seek out one or more females to mate with. These two have already bonded.

  • Kamchatka Landslide show

    Kamchatka Landslide

    In June 2007 a massive landslide engulfed the pristine landscape. Four and a half million cubic metres of rock, gravel, snow...
