Drain the Oceans investigates incredible detective story adventures at sea and on land. The series features passionate...
A shipwreck is thought to be a lost flagship from the War of 1812, and an artist uncovers her ancestor’s link to the burning...
The true story of one of the darkest crimes on the high seas; the sinking of the MV Lucona and its crew, all to claim a...
Palaeontologists journey from Patagonia to Canada to overturn popular misconceptions about dinosaurs and uncover the real...
Hidden in the oceans, lakes and rivers of the US lie wrecks revealing secrets to the rise to power of the American Mob in the...
The hunt for a legendary ghost ship in Alaska reveals a corner of the United States once known as “Russian America.”
Fragments of porcelain and blocks of beeswax lead to a 250-year-old shipwreck and a forgotten trade route of vast cargo ships...
Drowned shipwrecks and lost battlefields reveal secrets of America’s most famous siege and tell how Texas, against all odds,...
New discoveries made at a lost city and a human sacrifice deep within an underwater cave reveal secrets about the rise and...
A mysterious plane wreck in the Caribbean and secret tunnels along America’s border with Mexico reveal the scale of the...
Draining Hawaiʻi reveals Japan's secret weapons, from mini-subs to fighter planes, with the wreck of USS Arizona a reminder...
New discoveries at Pompeii and Herculaneum reveal the identities and final moments of those trapped during the eruption of a...