Take a tasty adventure across the world from behind the scenes of the biggest kitchens on the planet.


  • Eat: The Story of Food: Food Revolutionaries
    From Julia Childs launching the food entertainment industry to Birdseye revolutionising frozen food, to the $600, 1000 page Modernist Cuisine cookbook, these are the stories of those who have changed the way we look at, cook and sell food.
  • Eat: The Story of Food: Carnivores
  • Eat: The Story of Food: Sugar Rush
    Well known chefs and food experts take us through the relationship that humans have with sugar from the first time it was farmed 10 000 years ago through to today’s golden age of the candy bar. The story of sugar is the story of us.
  • Eat: The Story of Food: Hooked On Seafood
    High protein, omega rich seafood has saved humans from extinction and powered us through the era of Viking hordes, revolutions and wars. Well known chefs and experts take us through the history of humans and the fruit of the sea.
  • Eat: The Story of Food: Guilty Pleasures
    In the 20th century, what we eat changed so our great grandparents would hardly recognize it. Today we spend less of our time on food than ever before. How did this happen and what does it mean? Guilty Pleasures explores modern foods uneasy relationship between convenience and quality.
  • Eat: The Story of Food: Baked & Buzzed
    Grains, and the discovery of how to grow and cook them, led to the establishment of agriculture, which ultimately allowed man to end his hunter/gatherer practices and settle into the stay-at-home family groups that formed the earliest civilization. Today, civilization takes grains for granted and in this hour, well explain why that might be a somewhat shortsighted approach! Bread, beer, pasta, pizza, noodles and rice make the world go round and every culture has some kind of variation on these culinary themes.
  • Eat: The Story of Food: Baked & Buzzed