This series takes audiences inside the minds of elite adventurers as they share stories of confronting fear, loss, and Mother...
Travis Rice reflects on the avalanche that catapulted him into the unknown, sharing how it has shaped his approach to his...
Sarah McNair Landry and her brother Eric share their story of kite-skiing the Northwest Passage in winter only to be...
Kayakers Ben Stookesberry and Chris Korbuic went exploring rivers in Central Africa with their mentor, Hendri Coetzee. Hendri...
Gerd Serrasolses reflects on a Kayaking mission in which he almost drowned, sharing how it has shaped his approach to...
Big wave surfer Justine Dupont prepares to ride some of the biggest waves of her life. But to achieve that she has to face...
While filming in the mountains of the Grand Tetons, Wyoming, alpinist Jimmy Chin is caught in a colossal avalanche that no one...
When attempting a first ascent on the tallest unclimbed peak in the Himalayas, legendary climber Conrad Anker has a heart...
While filming for a sports movie, skier Angel Collinson falls from a 1000-ft mountain in one of the steepest spines of Alaska.