• Monday 17 March 2025 at 8:00PM
  • National Geographic


National Geographic Channel's Great Migrations is a seven-part global television event that takes viewers around the world on the arduous journeys millions of animals undertake to ensure the survival of their species. Shot from land and air, in trees and cliff-blinds, on ice floes and underwater, Great Migrations tells the formidable, powerful stories of many of the planet's species and their movements, while revealing new scientific discoveries with breathtaking high-definition clarity.


  • Great Migrations: Behind The Scenes
    A montage of the featured stories will introduce the theme of each act. The montage will also contain brief sound-up moments from other shoots not featured in the hour, but that are worthwhile for brief visual, dramatic or comic value. ·Each featured story will be constructed primarily with the existing "experiential" or "verite-style" Behind the Scenes video shot during filming. This material will be inter-cut with "location-style" interviews with key characters re-telling the story and reflecting on the experience.
  • Great Migrations: Science Of Migrations
    Borne of suffering, desperation, and starvation, every migration is a death-defying journey, filled with countless obstacles. Science of Migrations will go behind breathtaking images of migration and show how scientists learn from and study these magnificent spectacles of nature. The iconic migration of wildebeest in the Serengeti; the 1,800 mile flight path of the monarch butterfly; the two-month pilgrimage of the southern elephant seal off Patagonia; and the perilous journey of African elephants in Mali together give scientists a look into this dangerous world of migration. Advances in scientific technology and data collection are revealing a new understanding of animal decision-making, swarm dynamics and the inner workings of a herd, flock or pod.
  • Great Migrations: Rhythm Of Life
    (Great Migrations Music Video) is an unprecedented National Geographic Film. This film is a unique presentation of the very best footage and spectacular orchestral score of NatGeo's Great MigrationsTelevision Event. The film brings together images from around the world, filmed over 3 years, resulting in a completely unique, narration-free, musical journey around the world. (Great Migrations Music Video) is a breathtaking ride on the tailwinds of billions of creatures marching, swimming and flying across the planet on death-defying journeys.
  • Great Migrations: Feast Or Famine
    Every migration is an epic journey, driven in large part by hunger. Every day, trillions of creatures are on timeless journeys, moving in numbers, in search of greener pastures.
  • Great Migrations: Science Of Migration
    Borne of suffering, desperation, and starvation, every migration is a death-defying journey, filled with obstacles. We show how scientists learn from and study these magnificent spectacles of nature.
  • Great Migrations: Born To Move
    This 3yr production, filmed around the globe with cutting-edge technology, reveals four of the most remarkable animal movements. These are gripping stories of birth, death, struggle and renewal.
    Next Showing:  
    Monday 17 March 2025 at 8:00PM - National Geographic
    Tuesday 18 March 2025 at 12:00AM - National Geographic

    Tuesday 18 March 2025 at 4:00AM - National Geographic
  • Great Migrations: Need To Breed
    The story of migrating creatures around the world, who wage incredible & risky journeys; in pursuit of the one thing more precious than themselves: the creation & caretaking of their precious young.
    Next Showing:  
    Monday 24 March 2025 at 8:00PM - National Geographic
    Tuesday 25 March 2025 at 12:00AM - National Geographic

    Tuesday 25 March 2025 at 4:00AM - National Geographic
  • Great Migrations: Race To Survive
    Migrations are ticking clocks: Countless animals must move or die, driven by changing seasons, they are racing to reach their destination, before it's too late, to breed, feed or simply stay alive.
    Next Showing:  
    Monday 31 March 2025 at 8:00PM - National Geographic
  • Great Migrations: Feast Of Famine
    Every migration is an epic journey, driven in large part by hunger. Every day, trillions of creatures are on timeless journeys, moving in numbers, in search of greener pastures.