Over six gripping episodes Karsten von Hoesslin investigates a murder at sea and reveals the shocking extent of maritime crime...
Could the motive behind the killings involve drug trafficking? Karsten investigates the murky underworld of Mombasa and makes...
Karsten interviews witnesses to learn more about the murders. Looking for a motive, he goes to the Seychelles and encounters...
Investigator Karsten von Hoesslin travels the world to learn who killed four men at sea. His first clue is mobile footage that...
The investigation takes off. In the Philippines, Karsten hunts for witnesses and explores the brutal world of illegal fishing...
With the end in sight, Karsten now feels ready to present his evidence to the authorities. But anonymous threats make him...
No bodies, fingerprints, or DNA. Will Karsten be able to identify the victims in the video? His quest takes him deep into...