An immersive, action-packed series follows international teams of Egyptologists as they unearth the world’s richest seam of...
Archaeologists piece together how the pyramids evolved. They unearth exciting new evidence, from the spectacular Red Sea coast...
Archaeologists investigate how the mighty river Nile transformed ancient Egypt into one of the greatest civilisations of the...
Archaeologists investigate Egypt’s legendary pharaoh, Alexander the Great. Teams explore catacombs and temples, searching...
Archaeologists study the mysterious pyramids that followed the Giza pyramids. They unearth new tombs and chambers to uncover...
Archaeologists investigate ancient Egypt’s mightiest pharaoh, Ramses the Great. Teams excavate buried tombs and make...
Archaeologists investigate one of the great mysteries of ancient Egypt – the mummy. Teams excavate buried tombs and make...
Archaeologists investigate the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of King Tutankhamun to uncover the truth behind...
Archaeologists investigate Egypt’s most famous female pharaoh, Cleopatra. Teams excavate ancient graves and search hidden...
In this episode, archaeologists unlock the mysteries of Egypt's most famous pharaoh, Tutankhamun. Technology reveals the...
In this episode, archaeologists go on the hunt for Egypt's most mysterious Queen, Nefertiti. We explore a labyrinth of...
Delving into one of the most enduring mysteries of ancient Egypt, this episode follows archaeologists on a mission to unravel...