Mystery Files features high-end dramatic reconstructions of some of the worlds most famous and iconic mysteries that have inspired, intrigued and confounded experts for years.  From the tales of King Arthur and Robin Hood to Cleopatra and Anastasia, Mystery Files will attempt to discover the truth behind some of these legendary figures.

Unearthing new evidence and exploring new theories, each programme will look into a different mystery and test its validity.  Using expert interviews and corroborating experiments, the key elements of each story will be investigated using the latest techniques and technology. They will be analysed by a group of ten internationally renowned specialists in their field.



  • Mystery Files: Taj Mahal
    Built by a heartbroken ruler, the Taj Mahal is both a tomb and one of the greatest monuments to love. Did the Shah also plan to raise a twin Taj of black marble, in sight of his wife’s resting place?
  • Mystery Files: Birth of Christ
    Much of what we think we know of the Nativity – when Mary gave birth to Jesus in a stable – is more the result of misinterpretation, historical confusion, folklore and tradition.
  • Mystery Files: Isaac Newton
    Take a fresh look at the great phsyicist, as this in-depth study of his writings and work argues he wasn't as logical as his image suggests.
  • Mystery Files: The Virgin Queen
    Elizabeth I's rumoured romance with Robert Dudley led to suspicions about his wife's strange death. Modern CSI techniques shed light on the case.
  • Mystery Files: Sitting Bull
    Military analysis and new oral history attempt to clear the name of the great American Indian chief, who many blame for an 1876 massacre.
  • Mystery Files: Captain Kidd
    Captain William Kidd is an all-time famous pirates in history. What is the truth behind his legendary stories?
  • Mystery Files: Lawrence of Arabia
    Discover the battle over territory that has plagued the western world and Arab states by charting the arguments for and against Lawrence of Arabia.
  • Mystery Files: Alexander The Great
    Alexander The Great is world-famous for being the military genius. What happened to Alexander's body? Does it still exist?
  • Mystery Files: Marco Polo
    Explore the doubts behind the much-touted journeys of the pioneering trader, who is widely considered one of history's greatest travellers.
  • Mystery Files: Zorro
    Explore the historical fact behind this enduring legend. One new theory suggests a mysterious Irishman was the basis for the fictional hero.
  • Mystery Files: Pope Joan
    The scandalous story of the woman believed by some to have once ruled the Catholic Church, a legend that has endured for centuries.
  • Mystery Files: Hitler
  • Mystery Files: Saladin
    The myth of the great Muslim ruler comes under close inspection, as we trace the details of his battles and conquests.