From the makers of Blue Planet II and James Cameron, comes the most ambitious ocean adventure ever filmed. In 2019 the most advanced scientific vessel the world has ever seen was launched. On board, a handpicked team of pioneers, scientists and filmmakers capable of discovering our ocean’s greatest secrets.


  • OceanXplorers: Hammerhead Highway
    The team is in the Caribbean to find out how great hammerhead sharks navigate their migrations and how adapted they are to life in the shallows.
  • OceanXplorers: Realm of the Humpbacks
    In the Caribbean, the team reveals great secrets in the lives of the humpback whale, witnessing a mother defend her calf in the ultimate ocean battle.
  • OceanXplorers: Jurassic Shark
    The team is in the Azores to tag a deep-sea giant — the sixgill shark — and learn more about its nightly patterns on the hunt for food in the abyss.
  • OceanXplorers: Giants of the Deep
    The team dives into the depths of the mid-Atlantic to reveal the secret life of sperm whales and discover its hidden prey.
  • OceanXplorers: Ice Giants
    In the high Arctic, the team meets the bowhead whale, the longest-living mammal, and the Greenland shark, the longest-living vertebrate.
  • OceanXplorers: Kingdom Of The Polar Bear
    In the high Arctic, the team takes on the challenge of the polar bear to figure out what the changing habitat could mean for its future.



  • OceanXplorers photo


    From the makers of Blue Planet II and James Cameron, comes the most ambitious ocean adventure...

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