National Geographic, acclaimed filmmaker Darren Aronofsky (“mother!,” “Black Swan,” “Requiem for a Dream”) and...
Will Smith along with astronauts Chris Hadfield, Nicole Stott and Mae Jemison, some of the privileged few who have looked down...
Will Smith and some of the privileged few who have seen Earth from space, explain how our planet has been shaped by the same...
Dr Mae Jemison and her fellow astronauts explore how life on Earth evolved from single cell bacteria to now and what it means...
Though the building blocks of life are common across the universe, life is rare. Will Smith and former astronauts explore what...
The David and Goliath story of Earth’s relationship with its greatest threat, our seemingly benign Sun, is told by Will...
It’s not enough for Earth to be habitable; it also has to be lethal for life to thrive. As Will Smith reveals, death is...
Will Smith along with current and former astronauts question why, of all the life on earth, we are the only beings that...
Astronaut Chris Hadfield has left the planet three times and believes our only chance of survival, is to leave permanently....
After 665 days in space, NASAs most experienced astronaut, Peggy Whitson, returned to Earth in a position to answer the...
Ever since life emerged, microbes, plants and animals have sculpted the planet in the strangest of ways. But as Will Smith...