Can you put a cash value on three of the world’s most iconic monuments: the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Eiffel Tower and New York’s Grand Central Station?

One man sets about finding how much it would cost by modern standards to scrap them, build them or move them.



  • Pricing The Priceless: The Great Pyramid
    The Great Pyramid of Giza is 4,500 years old. It's the only ancient wonder of the world still standing. To cut and move the 2 million stones needed to build it would involve the whole Egyptian state.
  • Pricing The Priceless: NYC Grand Central Station
  • Pricing The Priceless: Eiffel Tower
    Can you put a cash value on three of the world’s most iconic monuments: the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Eiffel Tower and New York’s Grand Central Station?
  • Pricing The Priceless: NYC Grand Central
    Can you put a cash value on New York’s Grand Central Station? One man sets about finding out how much this iconic monument would cost by modern standards to scrap it, build it or move it.