Survivalist Hazen Audel travels 500 miles along the Mekong River Basin, in the journey of a lifetime. He faces remote jungle...
Hazen Audel tackles an epic survival challenge, seeking out traditional musket hunters high on the Bolaven Plateau in the...
Hazen Audel goes in search of giant reticulated python in the swamps of the Beung Kiat Ngong swamps, one of the Mekong...
Hazen Audel faces the Mekong’s wildest waters, joining daredevil fishermen in a legendary fishing challenge to complete his...
Hazen Audel descends from cloud forests high above Laos to join the mighty Mekong River, as he begins the survival adventure...
Hazen Audel plunges into a world of natural treasures, searching Laos’ ancient forests for precious mushrooms, which...
Survivalist Hazen Audel faces brutal limestone peaks and dark flooded caves, as he seeks out a hidden village deep in the...