In the Costa Rican jungle, a sudden strike turns a television producer’s location scout into a race to save his leg and...
A lawyer and a doctor take a guided trip to a remote wilderness patrolled by the Arctic’s top predator. The party is armed...
On a kayak ride in the Florida Keys, a couple collide with a fish out of water, literally. The woman, a caregiver, ends up...
On a Grand Canyon hike, wonder turns to worry for a young woman when what started as a stubbed toe develops into an inflamed...
In the Florida swamps, a husband and wife, who only eat meat they kill, run into a predator who has no intention of ending up...
In small town Florida, a group of boys go for a summer swim. When a lethal predator moves in for the kill, one of the boys...
In northern Canada, a waitress on her way home from a Halloween party is ambushed by earth’s largest land carnivore. A...
Deep in the Montana wilderness, an expert woodsman defends himself against an enraged, 400-pound beast not once but twice. A...
In the Costa Rican jungle, a sudden strike turns a television producer’s location scout into a race to save his leg and...
A hurricane sets two vastly different species on a collision course off the coast of North Carolina when a group of surfers...
In the San Gabriel Mountains above Los Angeles, one false step turns a young couple’s romantic hike into a desperate battle...
An expert river guide in Zimbabwe meets more than his match in treacherous waters. Despite repeated maulings that leave him...