How comets were perceived throughout history and art is explored.
(02:05)Aboard the Voyager Spaceship, a disc with messages from Earth is ready to be found.
(02:14)The many ways that the infinite universe may be shaped is discussed.
(02:33)The discovery of the Rosetta Stone was instrumental in deciphering the meaning of hieroglyphs.
(02:33)رؤية ساحرة للكون على أوسع نطاق عرفه الإنسان
(01:04)في صباح يوم الثامن من نوفمبر 2018، اجتاحت عاصفةٌ نارية مدمرة مدينة...
(00:30)منتهى المغامرة
(00:32)مدن عملاقة
(00:30)الكون المعجـز
(00:30)كاتدرائية القديس بولس
(00:30)أنكور وات
(00:30)إن اكتشاف القدرة البشرية على التغيير تتلخص في قصةٍ تدور حول تحوُّل...
(00:30)Neil deGrasse Tyson welcomes you to explore the Halls of Extinction with him.
(01:13)With the discovery of writing, humankind was able to evolve the power of communication.
(01:09)Ann Druyan explains her vision and exciting details about Cosmos.
(01:10)The Heike crab’s resemblance to a samurai warrior’s face helps illustrate artificial selection.
(01:58)We view Earth from space and examine the traces of life on its surface.
(02:31)The songs of whales are just beginning to be deciphered.
(01:55)A reflection on the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
(02:25)اختبر مغامرة الطيارين الذين قلبوا حظوظ الحلفاء رأسًا على عقب خلال...