Revealing the most extraordinary stories of WWII from a brand-new perspective, this series reconstructs the battle in the...
Examining the life and times of Adolf Hitler and following the full arc of his ascent, tyrannical reign, criminality and undoing.
Host and intrepid traveler Rainn Wilson traverses the world searching for the secrets to the happiest and least happiest...
White sharks have been spotted across Canada as far north as the coast of Newfoundland. After the first suspected white...
In the Bahamas, more than 30% of dolphins have shark-bite scars. With a never-before-seen non-toxic gel bite pad and...
From America’s coastlines to exotic beaches around the world, shark attacks are becoming more unpredictable. Many of these...
To find out why sharks are drawn to Hawaii’s volcanoes, biologists Dr. Mike Heithaus and Dr. Frances Farabaugh free dive...
In Florida, a rare event between top ocean predators was captured on video: bull sharks attacking a great hammerhead. Dr....
Hundreds of great white sharks have recently appeared on the doorstep of one of America’s most popular tourist...
An international team of experts hunts for clues as they investigate why sharks bite humans. They unravel the surprising...
The scientific community is divided as to whether dolphins or whales will deliberately save a person from a shark attack....
Around the world, reports of shark-on-shark attacks are on the rise. Now, off South Africa’s dramatic southern coast, a...
Shark biologists Dr. Johan Gustafson and Dr. Mariel Familiar López investigate rising reports of bull sharks stealing from...
William Shatner explores some of the weirdest and most baffling stories around the world.
Rock frontman Henry Rollins investigates animal fixations from around the world in Animal Underworld.As he witnesses practices...
India may be the land of the Tiger, but it is also home to masters of stealth that prowl the deepest of jungles and the...
Magic of Disney’s Animal Kingdom, narrated by Disney fan-favorite Josh Gad, gives viewers an all-encompassing backstage pass...
The award winning producers of the series Wild Russia, Myth of the Forest and Viking Wilderness seek for an even bigger...
Zoo Diaries goes behind the scenes to tell the stories of the men and women who live side-by-side at the Toronto Zoo with more...