After five long months, a mother polar bear is ready to take her newborn cubs to their next adventure!
(01:54)Sea Turtle hatchlings must make it to the ocean from their nest before the sun rises.
(02:10)Dr. Pol’s neighbor, Dan, has to make a tough decision about his ornery old dog.
(01:27)Dr. K’s bird Xander isn't feeling well and while she’s out of town he will stay at the clinic for bird-sitting.
(02:33)Newborn lambs face great threats--- golden eagles!
(02:24)Dr. Pol has two camels arrive at the clinic. He's checking to see if either one is pregnant.
(03:31)This bird puts on a quite a display for its potential mates.
(01:59)Dr. K is reminded why she left dog and cat practices when a fox comes into the clinic for an anal gland expression.
(01:58)After an injured zebra foal survives a rough storm, its parents come to the rescue.
(01:39)A lynx goes after a defenseless rabbit in the beautiful wilds of Spain.
(02:22)Monkeys run for cover as a black eagle circles above in Sri Lanka.
(01:06)Young, green grass is a special treat for the elephants that come to the lake.
(02:00)Whale Sharks visit fisherman off the coast of one of Indonesia's islands, bringing them good luck to their nets.
(03:07)The Primal Survivor goes hunting for a meal with eight tentacles.