After five long months, a mother polar bear is ready to take her newborn cubs to their next adventure!
(01:54)Newborn lambs face great threats--- golden eagles!
(02:24)A seal pup and its mother brave the rough shores of the Scottish coast.
(02:50)Doc takes his first case back after ankle replacement surgery!
(01:55)Dr. Pol has two camels arrive at the clinic. He's checking to see if either one is pregnant.
(03:31)The lungfish has the remarkable capacity to survive even as the Congo River's waters turn to mud.
(02:26)One of the only two birds of prey in Hawaii, the Exalted Hawk is helping to reduce the number of invasive species on the islands.
(02:51)A caracal in search of breakfast uses her huge ears to help detect small movements in the undergrowth.
(01:49)A lynx goes after a defenseless rabbit in the beautiful wilds of Spain.
(02:22)Dr. Pol performs emergency surgery to treat a dog that was hit by a car.
(04:54)How does Dr. Pol treat this dog’s skin infection?
(02:56)Males giraffes fighting for the attention of a female can turn friends into enemies.
(01:28)Sea Turtle hatchlings must make it to the ocean from their nest before the sun rises.
(02:10)Sheep might be calm creatures, but they’re not easy to round up and test.