Few people have ever seen one – or ever will. The Amur leopard. About 30 remain in the wild, making it the most critically...
(00:52)Harlequin ducks will endure the long winter here. Meantime, they bob around like corks in the breakers and dive beneath the...
(03:06)Worldwide, ants are so numerous their total weight is almost as much as the human population. A force to reckon with. Workers...
(02:59)It’s now time to be social. Males seek out one or more females to mate with. These two have already bonded.
(00:30)Hungry bears seek the nectar rich flowers. They must eat hundreds to get the equivalent calories of a big salmon. Bears have...
(03:04)In June 2007 a massive landslide engulfed the pristine landscape. Four and a half million cubic metres of rock, gravel, snow...
(02:51)In the far South West lies the Caucasus. A compact region filled with a bounty of wildlife. The great divide between Europe...
(01:08)Different kinds of brown bears share the ample land here. But populations are threatened. Hunters and loggers come too. Now,...
(03:02)Green hills and alpine meadows, arid salt flats, miniature sand dunes give way to ferocious mountains. The landscapes of the...
(02:58)The Arctic fox can tolerate temperatures down to minus seventy degrees Celsius by shunting blood flow away from its legs to...
(03:51)The Arctic ice blankets an area twice the size of Australia. Animals have adapted to live above and below its fickle surface....
(03:02)Illegal contraband meet their demise when confronted by the grinder.
(01:42)Carl is hoping he has finally met his gold mining goals.
(02:07)The Jone's brothers use some of Ken's equipment to mine gold for themselves as a form of debt payment.
(01:05)Kyle and Karl attempt to fix the big rock truck using the blade of a bulldozer on Sulphur Creek.
(02:22)Karl rushes to finish the season by sluicing pay dirt along the creek bank.