As day breaks, everything seems normal. But the bears wake to good news. Salmon numbers in the lake have reached a critical...
(02:37)Green hills and alpine meadows, arid salt flats, miniature sand dunes give way to ferocious mountains. The landscapes of the...
(02:58)As summer melts the ice, polar bears dive for food in a unique way rarely seen called porpoising.
(02:44)Young brown bears practice fighting while two older males put their skills to the test over a female.
(02:56)A giant anteater gets its fill of termites before their tiny bites become overwhelming.
(02:09)Two lion brothers take a pride by force.
(02:56)We went to 22 countries around the world to ask everyday people from all walks of life one big question.
(03:04)Chief Arvol Looking Horse discusses his journey to becoming the sacred one at the tender age of 12.
(03:15)Morgan Freeman travels the globe in search of an answer to one fundamental question for humanity: what are the common forces...
(02:03)The wreck of a passenger freighter is discovered in the Gulf of Mexico, sunk by a Nazi U-boat in WW2.
(02:17)Dr. Priya and the team are hoping to get a look at Zuri the giraffe's baby on ultrasound, if only Zuri will cooperate.
(03:06)It's time for Girl, the 31-year-old alligator's annual exam, but she may be too strong for the doctors and keepers!
(02:13)In the mountain regions, Arctic foxes aren’t so lucky. Where normally a half a dozen cubs would frolic, only two undersized...
(02:51)Female elephants gather around to witness a day-old calf's first tentative steps.