In the east, a mysterious place called Ussuriland. Here bizarre turtles dodge the soup dish. In temperate forests, bears hang...
(01:07)After a storm, Chinese turtles move in to check it out. When the lagoon formed, it trapped thousands of small fish. Bad news...
(02:55)Among the most critically endangered animals in the world - It’s thought about four hundred Amur Tigers remain in the wild....
(03:10)Worldwide, ants are so numerous their total weight is almost as much as the human population. A force to reckon with. Workers...
(02:59)Through the hills of Yakutia comes a relentless army. Reindeer. A herd of a thousand strong.
(02:57)With a face like a kangaroo and a vampire’s teeth, the musk deer makes his timid way through the woods in search of lichens....
(03:01)It’s now time to be social. Males seek out one or more females to mate with. These two have already bonded.
(00:30)In June 2007 a massive landslide engulfed the pristine landscape. Four and a half million cubic metres of rock, gravel, snow...
(02:51)This desolate wilderness suits the red fox. Foxes don’t hibernate. They grow thicker seasonal fur to survive the minus...
(03:11)In the far South West lies the Caucasus. A compact region filled with a bounty of wildlife. The great divide between Europe...
(01:08)Up above the tree line in the foothills of the Kavkazsky Nature Reserve a rare goliath lumbers across the grassy slopes. A...
(03:00)In green hills, local herders graze sheep and goats. The powerful sun brings out plants even in this dry zone.
(02:48)Different kinds of brown bears share the ample land here. But populations are threatened. Hunters and loggers come too. Now,...
(03:02)Every May one hundred and fifty thousand pairs of snow geese fly in from their North American winter quarters. It’s their...
(00:43)The Arctic fox can tolerate temperatures down to minus seventy degrees Celsius by shunting blood flow away from its legs to...
(03:51)While young harp seals take to the sea, their nemesis roams the ice. Polar bears spend most of their lives on the frozen pack...
(03:20)Cradle of Life video from Wild Amazon.
(00:44)A team of Nat Geo remote imaging engineers attempt to deploy crittercams on Great White Sharks.
(02:49)Attaching a crittercam to the dorsal fin of a Great White Shark is a risky endeavor.
(02:21)Carl is hoping he has finally met his gold mining goals.