In the battlegrounds of Botswana, it takes cunning, power and ingenuity to survive. This 3 part series explores how hunters...
In this episode, archaeologists follow a trail of clues towards the tomb of Egypt's last pharaoh, Cleopatra. Experimental...
Delving into one of the most enduring mysteries of ancient Egypt, this episode follows archaeologists on a mission to unravel...
In this episode, archaeologists go on the hunt for Egypt's most mysterious Queen, Nefertiti. We explore a labyrinth of...
In this episode, archaeologists unlock the mysteries of Egypt's most famous pharaoh, Tutankhamun. Technology reveals the...
Gordon Ramsay explores the enchanted island of Puerto Rico, from the bright blue sea to the lush mountains of the interior....
Gordon Ramsay discovers why Maine, United States, is called the “lobster capital of the world.” Along the rugged...
Gordon Ramsay explores the rugged landscape of Portugal, where the simple way of life is evident in the country’s incredible...
Gordon Ramsay journeys to the wilds of south central Texas and meets some tough, gritty characters to learn what it means to...
Sam heads to the Mountain State to investigate the curse of the Mothman, a winged cryptid whose presence signals disaster....
North Korea can now attack without landing a soldier on the ground, and with impunity. From Sony to WannaCry, the North...
Hurricanes, typhoons and major storms reach their maximum power at sea, and during that peak power thousands of marine workers...
Wild Abu Dhabi th Turtles of Al Dhafra. This film is a snap shot about the Al Dhafra in the western region of Abu Dhabi. The...
Sam investigates the utopian city, Atlantis, that Plato says was cursed by the gods and swallowed up into the sea 12,000 years...
The Bermuda Triangle. Everybody's heard about this stretch of cursed ocean off America's eastern coast where ships and...
In 1915 in Louisiana, a local hoodoo practitioner and healer named, Aunt Julia, was enraged at the loggers cutting down her...
Everybody has heard about Dracula, a blood-thirsty monster who invokes immortality with a bite on the neck. But many believe...
Mariana travels from the violent streets of Montego Bay to the posh neighborhoods of Tel Aviv in pursuit of some of the...
Mariana uncovers a lethal supply chain of American firearms being smuggled into the hands of drug cartels and fueling record...
Mariana attempts to understand the vanity, insecurity and greed that's driving the unregulated, billion-dollar black market in...