Revealing the dark truth that aviation safety improves one crash at a time, Air Crash Investigation investigates legendary...
Floating on the shores of the Arabian Gulf, is the Louvre Abu Dhabi. Designed by star architect Jean Nouvel, this...
Tim and Fuzz travel to Jersey in the Channel Islands to take on a 1972 Ford Escort Mexico. Owner Gary has been recovering from...
On 24 March 2015, suicidal co-pilot Andreas Lubitz deliberately locked his Captain out of the cockpit and initiated a...
Tim and Fuzz have taken on their smallest ever car and one of their biggest jobs, a 1958 Messerschmitt KR200 bubble car. The...
Ultimate Airport Dubai S2 - Episode 8
Tim and Fuzz are off to Derbyshire to rescue a 48 year old Italian supercar: a 1971 Lamborghini Espada. This remarkable car...
We live in a world that our ancestors would barely recognize. Around the globe, landscapes are re-formed, hostile environments...
Tim and Fuzz are off to Kent to try and salvage a 1991 VW T4 Campervan. The vehicle belongs to 42 year old carpenter Jon who...
Tim and Fuzz travel to Southend to take on a 1978 JCB digger. The vehicle belongs to former carpenter Kev who has recently...
Tim and Fuzz take on a 1993 Toyota Supra Mk.4 owned by former motorcycle racer Lisa. Her family hope the restored car will...
Warming the cockles of your heart, the ever-popular Car SOS is back for an eleventh season, as Fuzz Townshend and Tim Shaw...
Taking off during a major storm, a brand-new 737 falls from the sky over West Africa, and an international group of...
En route from Bogota to the tiny Caribbean island of San Andres, Aires Flight 8250 is rocked by a major tropical storm. And...
Landing at one of the world's most challenging airports, a passenger plane comes in like a fighter jet, skids off the runway,...
Motor mogul Afzal Kahn and his R&D department take on the challenge of converting an Aston Martin Vantage V8 into a...
Every episode of Air Crash Investigation Special Report examines three significant aviation disasters that share a common cause.
Facing a severe thunderstorm and a control tower shutdown, American Airlines 1572 suffers double-engine failure on final...
Tim and Fuzz take on carpenter Mike’s 1980 Ford Escort RS2000. After his son’s road accident, Mike’s family want to...