An immersive, action-packed series follows international teams of Egyptologists as they unearth the world’s richest seam of...
This series of spectacular aerial journeys reveals the beauty of Europe’s most remarkable regions.
On June 6th, 1944, the Allies finally land troops in Normandy to open the western front. But after the surprise of the D-Day...
In his quest for world domination, Hitler demanded the creation of some of the biggest and deadliest pieces of military...
Seven decades on from living memory fades, the dark corners of the web are teeming with tales of the bizarre. Dr. Sam...
Professor Bettany Hughes tager tilbage for at udforske de ekstraordinære og fascinerende mumier fra det gamle Egypten. Se,...
This limited series reveals epic tales of opposition against some of the world’s most powerful icons, from Pablo Escobar to...
How did the the Colosseum - an arena for bloody gladiatorial battles - become the greatest symbol of the Roman Empire?...
From Mussolini to Saddam Hussein, Dictators have shaped the world we live in. But how did they do it? What methods did they...
The Hitler Youth became a political instrument of the Nazi Party from the 1930's. This film traces the incredible story of...
Hazen Audel travels across the globe to relive some of the most astonishing stories of wilderness survival from World War II....
This spectacular aerial journey reveals Switzerland, as we’ve never seen it before. From ultra-modern cities to spectacular...
Working alongside divers, wreck investigators and archaeologists, the series tells the stories of the final moments of ships...
In the aftermath of the D-Day landings, Nazi paratroopers dig in to defend at Carentan to prevent the link up on US forces on...
Historian and author Bettany Hughes, reveals spectacular monuments from her December 2019 trip to explore to ancient Egypt.
A look at the techniques used by Idi Amin to rise from humble beginnings and build a powerful dictatorship in Uganda. Amin...
WW2: Hell Under the Sea is an event-based series charting the stealth game of subsea warfare from contact to attack of the...
A captivating window into the extremely private life of Queen Elizabeth II. The extraordinary story of the most filmed &...
This spectacular aerial journey reveals Norway as it’s never been seen before. Flying cameras uncover the engineering behind...
Summer 43. In Kursk, Hitler undertakes a decisive battle to win the war in the East. But the determination of the Red Army and...