The south of the kingdom has become a wasteland and young alpha Wame desperately seeks water for her dogs, but she suffers...
Broadcasting live from locations across all seven continents, using cutting edge camera technology, controlled by the biggest...
The shop receives a distress call from a Landing Craft operator stranded on the Yukon River. But finding and fixing the downed...
We are in an escalating race with super-bugs and super-viruses: living organisms that attack our bodies, adapt to our...
China has a dream; of becoming one of the world's most developed nations by its centenary in 2049. To achieve it, over the...
A chimp tribe with an embattled leader, scheming challenger, wise old females and clinging infants shows parallels to human...
After Cody Dial’s backpack turns up, confirming that he made it out of the jungle alive, investigators search for clues in town.
To catch a deadly Black mamba, Simon must face his biggest fear - heights! And to save a spitting cobra, he deals with his OCD...
Simon has his hands full with a lightning fast mamba and an unidentified snake terrorizes a school, before Siouxsie handles...
Catching a black mamba at midnight is only part of Simon and Siouxsie's latest challenge; they also bring 25 baby rock pythons...
Simon and Sioux continue to train their apprentice Mbali before heading to the snake capital of the world. It’s monsoon...
Mbali attempts to catch her first black mamba and Simon and Sioux head to India to rescue some of the world’s deadliest snakes.
Simon and Sioux attempt to rescue India’s ‘big four’ deadliest snakes – the spectacled cobra, Russell’s viper,...
An enormous Russell’s viper finds its way into a city bookstore and, in a career first, Simon goes underwater snake-catching...
Experts search for a way to protect Namibia's incredible population of black rhinos, elephants and cheetahs from a tide of...
After an 8-year rehabilitation, a spider monkey named Infinity is ready to return to the wild. Filmmaker Michael Sanderson...
On top of an old warehouse in Hamburg, the architects of Beijings Birds Nest Stadium are building a dramatic new concert hall....
Morgan Freeman’s quest to learn what makes a rebellion successful brings him face-to-face with exiles, whistleblowers,...
Jeremy is hitting the road for a rookie attempt at wrangling critters great and small. First up: visiting a working camel...
It has now been over 30 years since the mysterious death of Dian Fossey, the primatologist who transformed the way we see...