Frances Castledine (played by Hallie Seline) tries to help an injured passenger from BEA Flight 548.This is from AirCrash Investigation Special Report.
Frances Castledine (played by Hallie Seline) tries to help an injured passenger from BEA Flight 548. This is from AirCrash Investigation Special Report.
REENACTMENT - NTSB investigator Tom Haueter (played by Christian Lloyd) discovers paint transferred to a piece of wreckage during a deadly aircraft collision at Quincy Regional Airport. This is from AirCrash Investigation Special Report.
The team carefully secure Liberty the baby great white shark alongside the boat. This allows them to take samples, measurements and to attach the camera tag. This is from Baby Sharks in the City.
A closer look as snake catcher Simon Keys carefully holds a beautiful black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) by its neck. This is from Snake City, Season 10.
Shark expert Charlie Huveneers dives with huge Tiger Sharks in Norfolk Island, Australia as he investigates why the sharks here get so big. This is from Supersized Sharks.
Shark expert Lauren Meyer listens for a signal coming back from supersized Tiger Sharks tagged off the remote shores of Norfolk Island in Australia. This is from Supersized Sharks.
Over in India, snake catchers Siouxsie Gillet and Simon Keys are joined with local snake catcher, Gouri to catch a large king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah). This is from Snake City, Season 10.