Private Henry Parham (played by Ishmel Bridgeman) wades into Omaha Beach in a scene of a WW2 historic reenactment production for "Erased: WW2's Heroes of Color." Parham served with the 320th Barrage Balloon Battalion on D-Day. This is from Erased: World War II Heroes of Colour.
A group of workers excavate the silos uncovered within the royal building at the City of the Pyramid Builders in the Giza Plateau, Cairo, Egypt. This is from Lost Treasures of Egypt, Season 5.
Clotilda descendants Cassandra Lewis, Delisha Marshall, Altevese Rosario, and Garry Lumbers hold a ceremony at Ouidah's Tree of Return to honor the Clotilda passengers and others who circled this tree en route to the beach. This is from Clotilda: The Return Home.
Sir Ranulph Fiennes and actor Joseph Fiennes talk at Banff Trail Riders as they revisit Ranâs 1971 expedition of Canadaâs British Columbia. Amidst mountains and whale watching, Sir Ranulph Fiennes and his cousin Joseph Fiennes reflect on Ranâs epic life and his new challenge of life with Parkinsonâs. This is from Fiennes Return to the Wild.