During the First World War, two powerful warships, HMS Hampshire and HMS Vanguard, sank in controversial circumstances off the...
The ancient city of Dadan, which lies in a remote corner of North West Arabia on the famed Incense Road of antiquity, is...
"Experience the wonder of the desert like never before with 'A Desert Wonder', the National Geographic documentary showcasing...
Matching archive film and photography to their original locations, this series charts the most extraordinary events of WWII...
Stalin, seeking revenge, wages a war of annihilation against Nazi Germany. Over one million Soviet soldiers charge west to...
The Allies have taken the beaches of Northern France. Now they face a brutal fight through enemy territory in a bid to...
January 1944: The German army is crumbling on every front. As they flee, the German soldiers destroy the evidence of their...
A swashbuckling adventure; the true and untold story of the history of pirates. From Francis Drake to Blackbeard, who were the...
Circumnavigation is the pinnacle of Drake’s career, cementing him in history as the world’s most controversial pirate.
Grace O’Malley, the Pirate Queen of Ireland. Her rise from wanted pirate to Chieftain is won through a warrior’s sword and...
A brilliant strategist, Morgan takes humans, treasure and Spanish colonial towns with no mercy later becoming Lieutenant...
Captain Kidd, the treasure hunter. When the legitimate prizes of the Red Sea are not to be found, Kidd turns from pirate...