The Hitler Youth became a political instrument of the Nazi Party from the 1930's. This film traces the incredible story of...
Seven decades on from living memory fades, the dark corners of the web are teeming with tales of the bizarre. Dr. Sam...
A study of the methods used by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini to rise to power and turn Italy into the first fascist state....
How did the the Colosseum - an arena for bloody gladiatorial battles - become the greatest symbol of the Roman Empire?...
Working alongside divers, wreck investigators and archaeologists, the series tells the stories of the final moments of ships...
In his quest for world domination, Hitler demanded the creation of some of the biggest and deadliest pieces of military...
No other year in recent history has played a more pivotal role in shaping the present than 1989. 30 years later, we look at...
Survivors' stories and world-leading shipwreck investigators uncover how the most powerful warships in history had their...
Buried beneath Rome lies a forgotten treasure: the Golden House - a vast palace built in the first century AD. It was the most...
WW2: Hell Under the Sea is an event-based series charting the stealth game of subsea warfare from contact to attack of the...
From Mussolini to Saddam Hussein, Dictators have shaped the world we live in. But how did they do it? What methods did they...
Historian and author Bettany Hughes, reveals spectacular monuments from her December 2019 trip to explore to ancient Egypt.
As we fly above the infamous battle sites of D-Day and Dunkirk, soar over hidden Nazi bunkers, and glide across lost...
The deadly volcanic eruption that buried Pompeii in AD79 also claimed another victim: Herculaneum. Positioned closer to the...
Albert Lin travels to Colombia, South America, to find out the truth behind the legends of El Dorado.
A look at the methods used by Kim il Sung to transform North Korea into the most controlled society on Earth. After taking...
After a humiliating defeat at Stalingrad, Nazi Germany rallies to turn the war back in their favour. The result is the...
Egypt is home to the richest source of archaeological treasures on the planet. In this series, our cameras follow teams across...
On June 6th, 1944, the Allies finally land troops in Normandy to open the western front. But after the surprise of the D-Day...
Albert Lin travels to the famous city of Petra and learns it may have been part of a much bigger network built by a mysterious...