Gordon Ramsay is pushed to his limits in the Smoky Mountains. In his quest to unearth the region’s culinary secrets, Gordon...
Gordon Ramsay discovers the culinary secrets of the country’s legendary Oaxaca region, where mole reigns supreme. In...
The Costa Rican jungle plays host to a twisted game of survival as the sun goes down.
The Last Animals is a story about an extraordinary group of people who go to incredible lengths to save the planet's last...
Ghost, we see you. Matt helps a father and son struggling with their white German Shepherd, Ghost. Ghost attacks anyone that...
This brand new series reveals the extraordinary feats of engineering hidden inside the world's most spectacular man-made...
Survivalist Hazen Audel braves the largest plateau in Europe to retrace the white-knuckle escape of Norwegian commandos who...
The assassination of President Kennedy is one of the best documented historical events, but much of the footage is seldom...
This film presents the amazing landscapes and wildlife of the Upper Okavango river in Southern Africa.
Wildlife SOS ended bear dancing in India, rescuing 628 bears from this cruel and illegal trade.
A feature documentary about mankind’s ancient connection to wilderness In the mountains of Peru, an environmental...
Actor-musician Jack Black and his Tenacious D bandmate Kyle Gass join Keegan-Michael Key to learn how music affects the brain....
Following the award-winning Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey is a brand new season of Cosmos: Possible Worlds. It presents a...
Neil deGrasse Tyson takes us on a cosmic adventure from the ancient heretic who opened our way to the stars to billions of...
How a deadly embrace between science and state altered the fate of the world, and a gripping cautionary tale of mass casualty...
X-Raying the Earth reveals the largest volcano on the planet lies beneath Yellowstone National Park. It has erupted many times...
San Diego HSI seizes a medley of narcotics hidden in a car, CBP processes ferry travelers in Puerto Rico, and officers at JFK...
She leads the formidable Sausage Tree Pride, an ensemble of buffalo-slaying huntresses. That is, until the migration crosses...
The police put Thord under pressure to rescue a truck with locked-on brakes that blocks a tunnel.
Mariana goes in search of the new bosses, new routes, new risks and the American communities paying the price for fentanyl's...