Colonial Legacy
| webisodedescription| hidedescriptionColonial Legacy explores the emergence of powerful and radical movements seeking to redress the injustices suffered by the popul
Land Reform
| videodescription| hidevideodescriptionLand Reform is still a burning issue in Latin America leading to clashes, protests, even death.
duration: (03:42)Genre: World Culturemorevideosfrom Colonial Legacy
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Spaniards wanted Inca gold and they didn't...
Spaniards wanted Inca gold and they didn't care how they got it, barbarically executing Inca leaders.
programme Colonial Legacy
genre World Culture
genre World Culture
From Cocoa to...
The war against cocaine places Andean...
The war against cocaine places Andean culture's cocoa plant at jeopardy, destroying a long-standing tradition.
programme Colonial Legacy
genre World Culture
genre World Culture
Colonial Legacy
The spanish may have left but the colonial...
The spanish may have left but the colonial legacy was very much present and posed the question: who owns the land?
programme Colonial Legacy
genre World Culture
genre World Culture
Emiliano Zapata
Emiliano Zapata was a fierce advocate of...
Emiliano Zapata was a fierce advocate of returning the land to it's native people in Mexico.
programme Colonial Legacy
genre World Culture
genre World Culture
Land Reform
Land Reform is still a burning issue in Latin...
Land Reform is still a burning issue in Latin America leading to clashes, protests, even death.
programme Colonial Legacy
genre World Culture
genre World Culture
Heating up a...
In just six days these cheap and shipping...
In just six days these cheap and shipping containers in Liverpool will become economical and sustainable future homes.
programme Planet Mechanics Heavy Metal House
genre Science
programme Planet Mechanics Heavy Metal House
genre Science
Footage from...
A look at events leading up to The General...
A look at events leading up to The General Pinochet Coup.
programme Dictatorship Legacy
genre World Culture
programme Dictatorship Legacy
genre World Culture
Wolf vs Buffalo
Dinner on the hoof. Wolves and Buffalo live...
Dinner on the hoof. Wolves and Buffalo live side-by-side... until the wolves get hungry!
programme Killer Chase
genre Nature
programme Killer Chase
genre Nature
Although you are more likely to be hit by...
Although you are more likely to be hit by lightning than attacked by Jaws? is it possible to scare off a shark?
programme Ask The Expert
genre Science
programme Ask The Expert
genre Science
Imperialism in...
The Panama Canal, initiated by the French but...
The Panama Canal, initiated by the French but abandoned after 22 thousand workers struck by Malaria and Yellow Fever.
programme Imperialism Legacy
genre World Culture
programme Imperialism Legacy
genre World Culture