Killer Chase
| webisodedescription| hidedescriptionThe chase is a deadly contest between predator and prey. It can be as brief as a second, or go on for hours.
Wolf vs Hare
| videodescription| hidevideodescriptionThe hare uses all it's speed and agility to outrun the predator Wolf, but is it enough?
duration: (03:00)Genre: Naturemorevideosfrom Killer Chase
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Wolf vs Hare
The hare uses all it's speed and agility to...
The hare uses all it's speed and agility to outrun the predator Wolf, but is it enough?
programme Killer Chase
genre Nature
genre Nature
Wolf vs Buffalo
Dinner on the hoof. Wolves and Buffalo live...
Dinner on the hoof. Wolves and Buffalo live side-by-side... until the wolves get hungry!
programme Killer Chase
genre Nature
genre Nature
The Philippine Tasia, a lone assassin, is not...
The Philippine Tasia, a lone assassin, is not what you would expect a killer to look.
programme Killer Chase
genre Nature
genre Nature
Golden Eagle,...
The dry Himalayan foothills are the perfect...
The dry Himalayan foothills are the perfect hunting ground for the Golden Eagle.
programme Killer Chase
genre Nature
genre Nature
Penguins transform into swift deadly hunters...
Penguins transform into swift deadly hunters below water, on the coldest continent on earth.
programme Killer Chase
genre Nature
genre Nature
Fist Fights in...
Recent history has shown that some of our...
Recent history has shown that some of our leaders are finding new ways to exercise a new type of dictatorship.
programme Dictatorship Legacy
genre World Culture
programme Dictatorship Legacy
genre World Culture
A 21 gun salute to coronate Malaysia's new...
A 21 gun salute to coronate Malaysia's new King. Every five years a new King is elected in this unique monarchy.
programme Inside: Becoming a King
genre World Culture
programme Inside: Becoming a King
genre World Culture
Crossing into...
Marsh Mokhtari faces one of the highest roads...
Marsh Mokhtari faces one of the highest roads in Africa to experience the hidden treasures of Bushman rock art.
programme Perilous Journeys
genre Travel
programme Perilous Journeys
genre Travel
Tooth reveals...
Cutting edge science and Arctic adventure come...
Cutting edge science and Arctic adventure come alive in this story of a unique discovery, a perfectly preserved baby woolly mamm
programme Waking the Baby Mammoth
genre Science
programme Waking the Baby Mammoth
genre Science
Crocodiles surround this beautiful island. ...
Crocodiles surround this beautiful island. Dr. Brady Barr and the University of Florida teach some capture techniques.
programme Crocodile Chronicles With Dr. Brady Barr
genre Nature
programme Crocodile Chronicles With Dr. Brady Barr
genre Nature