Dictatorship Legacy
| webisodedescription| hidedescriptionA look at the legacy of right-wing and left-wing dictatorships across Latin America, from Pinochet in Chile to Castro in Cuba, a
When 9000 Disappeared in Argentina
| videodescription| hidevideodescriptionAccording to the National Commission on the Disappeared 9000 people disappeared in Argentina between 1976 and 1983.
duration: (03:46)Genre: World Culturemorevideosfrom Dictatorship Legacy
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Fist Fights in...
Recent history has shown that some of our...
Recent history has shown that some of our leaders are finding new ways to exercise a new type of dictatorship.
programme Dictatorship Legacy
genre World Culture
genre World Culture
Fidel Castro's...
Castro was a law student at the University of...
Castro was a law student at the University of Havana before getting involved in politics and gang violence.
programme Dictatorship Legacy
genre World Culture
genre World Culture
Footage from...
A look at events leading up to The General...
A look at events leading up to The General Pinochet Coup.
programme Dictatorship Legacy
genre World Culture
genre World Culture
Operation Condor was a system of exchanging...
Operation Condor was a system of exchanging information about known communist sympathisers across the continent.
programme Dictatorship Legacy
genre World Culture
genre World Culture
When 9000...
According to the National Commission on the...
According to the National Commission on the Disappeared 9000 people disappeared in Argentina between 1976 and 1983.
programme Dictatorship Legacy
genre World Culture
genre World Culture
Giant Squid Attack
Watch incredible footage as an underwater...
Watch incredible footage as an underwater cameraman is ambushed by a giant squid in deep, dark water.
programme Amazing Moments
genre Nature
programme Amazing Moments
genre Nature
Shock and Awe
Why does static electricity build on...
Why does static electricity build on televisions, computer monitors and human hair?
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genre Science
programme Ask The Expert
genre Science
Grab A Crab
Male crabs wave their huge claws back and...
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Curious Monkey...
Follow curious Vervet monkeys as they screech...
Follow curious Vervet monkeys as they screech and bite their way to the top of the monkey pyramid in Durban.
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genre Nature
programme Street Monkeys
genre Nature
Beep beep!
Established 42 years ago as a small town gas...
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genre Machines