Dictatorship Legacy
| webisodedescription| hidedescriptionA look at the legacy of right-wing and left-wing dictatorships across Latin America, from Pinochet in Chile to Castro in Cuba, a
When 9000 Disappeared in Argentina
| videodescription| hidevideodescriptionAccording to the National Commission on the Disappeared 9000 people disappeared in Argentina between 1976 and 1983.
duration: (03:46)Genre: World Culturemorevideosfrom Dictatorship Legacy
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Fist Fights in...
Recent history has shown that some of our...
Recent history has shown that some of our leaders are finding new ways to exercise a new type of dictatorship.
programme Dictatorship Legacy
genre World Culture
genre World Culture
Fidel Castro's...
Castro was a law student at the University of...
Castro was a law student at the University of Havana before getting involved in politics and gang violence.
programme Dictatorship Legacy
genre World Culture
genre World Culture
Footage from...
A look at events leading up to The General...
A look at events leading up to The General Pinochet Coup.
programme Dictatorship Legacy
genre World Culture
genre World Culture
Operation Condor was a system of exchanging...
Operation Condor was a system of exchanging information about known communist sympathisers across the continent.
programme Dictatorship Legacy
genre World Culture
genre World Culture
When 9000...
According to the National Commission on the...
According to the National Commission on the Disappeared 9000 people disappeared in Argentina between 1976 and 1983.
programme Dictatorship Legacy
genre World Culture
genre World Culture
Shark Attack
Amateur video captures the scene as a Great...
Amateur video captures the scene as a Great White attacks a swimmer in the ocean.
programme Amazing Moments
genre Nature
programme Amazing Moments
genre Nature
Taken down by...
Building implosions have become the spectator...
Building implosions have become the spectator sport of the modern age -- it's no wonder they also set world records. The implosi
programme Demolition Dynasty
genre Machines
programme Demolition Dynasty
genre Machines
Nat Geo...
Brady creates different protective wear for...
Brady creates different protective wear for various encounters with wildlife and tests firsthand the effectiveness of his gear.
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genre Nature
programme Dangerous Encounters
genre Nature
Every combine is designed to work at peak...
Every combine is designed to work at peak performance and so are the assembly lines that build them.
programme Mega Factory John Deere
genre Machines
programme Mega Factory John Deere
genre Machines
Sinking Cruise...
In a desperate race against time, can guests...
In a desperate race against time, can guests be saved from this sinking cruise liner? Watch incredible footage of this ship goin
programme Amazing Moments
genre Nature
programme Amazing Moments
genre Nature