In the deserts of Sudan Albert Lin searches for the lost capital of a kingdom of warriors who once conquered and ruled the...
Explorer Albert Lin searches mountains of Peru to reveal the lost city of the Cloud Warriors, whose legacy was nearly wiped...
Explorer Albert Lin and his team tackle the brutal heat of the desert and explore remote mountain caves to reveal the...
The 360 team investigates a spate of shark attacks in Ballina, Australia. Myth-busting local theories, they uncover the truth...
The 360 team investigates an uptick of shark bites on foil boards and unravels whether sharks target the riders.
Allied soldiers push off the beaches of Anzio, liberate Rome, and battle through the mountains as the Italian Campaign enters...
Meet the Chimps takes viewers into the secret life of Chimp Haven, one of the largest and most unique wildlife sanctuaries in...
Jimmy Dean and Mason begin a battle for dominance. Rebellious Riley is put to the test, while the Oddballs’ moving day is...
The team is in the Caribbean to find out how great hammerhead sharks navigate their migrations and how adapted they are to...
In the high Arctic, the team takes on the challenge of the polar bear to figure out what the changing habitat could mean for...
When Continental Express Flight 2286 plunges into the frozen wilderness just a few miles from the runway, it’s up to...
When commuter flight 3272 ends in a harrowing death spiral, it's up to investigators to determine the cause and prevent it...
En route from Singapore to Perth, Qantas Airways Flight 72 takes a sudden nosedive over the Indian Ocean.
A Pakistani airliner crashes in the Himalayas. And when their most vital piece of evidence fails to deliver, investigators...
En route to the Shetland Islands, a high-tech turboprop is struck by lightning, temporarily blinding the crew and disabling...
Landing at one of the world's most challenging airports, a passenger plane comes in like a fighter jet, skids off the runway,...
On final approach through thick clouds, a commuter turboprop in New Zealand slams into hilly terrain. Rescuers struggle to...
On a refuelling mission during the Gulf War, a US Air Force tanker plane loses two engines. The crew struggles to fly their...
A Martinair flight crashes in Portugal amid thunderstorms and heavy rain, and when investigators piece together the evidence...
Careening into a mountaintop just minutes from the runway, an American charter flight becomes the worst aviation disaster in...