National GeographicNat Geo Wild


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  • Bunny Nose Job
    Bunny Nose Job: FactsIn the wild, prairie dogs remain in their burrows during winter, sustaining on the fat reserves they build up during the warmer seasons. A prairie dog’s burrow contains extensive tunnels and, some designated for specific purposes such as nurseries or sleeping rooms.A prairie dog usually lives...
  • Into the Fox Hole
    Into the Fox Hole: FactsFennec foxes are the smallest of the Canidae family, which includes species such as wolves, coyotes, dingoes, and domestic dogs.Fennec foxes live in family groups that can contain ten or more members.  A chinchilla’s fur is so thick that 60 hairs can grow out of one follicle. Chinchillas are...
  • Leave it to Lemur
    Leave it to Lemur: FactsGreen iguanas can swim well, using their long tails to maneuver through the water. They can submerge for up to half an hour. As a defense mechanism, iguanas can lose part of their tail in order to confuse a predator, giving them enough time to escape. A new tail will grow back where the original...
  • Looking For Freedom—5 Tales of Escaping the Berlin Wall
    Looking For Freedom—5 Tales of Escaping the Berlin Wall: 5 Tales of Escaping the Berlin WallThe Cold War was a cruel time in many aspects, but one of the worst was definitely the Berlin Wall. Erected by the Soviets to guarantee their control over the part of Germany that belonged to them after World War II, it divided East Germany from the West from 1961 until 1989.Now, 25 years have...
  • The Craftiest of Them All—a Small Guide on Foxes
    The Craftiest of Them All—a Small Guide on Foxes: A Small Guide on FoxesFoxes. Always related to being cunning, sly and intelligent in folklore. In many children’s stories, the fox will appear as a scavenger, not quite evil but not being a good character, either. Their abundance around the whole world has added to them being hunted or captured to keep as...