Mygrations follows a team of 20 men and women in a feat that has never been attempted, as they set out on foot, unarmed and without a map or compass, to follow in the footsteps of the wildebeests. The human herd must cross hundreds of miles of scorched savannah — where water, food and shelter are hard to find but lethal predators roam unchecked — to reach the Mara River, the pinnacle of the wildebeests’ death-defying quest for life.


  • Mygrations: Valley of Death
    The herd snaps under pressure as poachers, grueling terrain and hunger increase tension. Later, a warthog injures two and a river presents the threat of hippos.
  • Mygrations: Animal House
    The Serengeti takes a toll on the herd. They battle hunger and must rappel a cliff face. The next day brings another obstacle: a croc-infested river.
  • Mygrations: Velley Of Death
    The herd snaps under pressure as poachers, grueling terrain and hunger increase tension. Later, a warthog injures two and a river presents the threat of hippos.
  • Mygrations: Falling Apart
    The herd increases pace to make up for lost time and low food. A doctor is called when a member falls ill, and rising tensions cause the herd to split.
  • Mygrations: Predator Alley
    Only 32 miles and a waterfall stand between the herd and the finish line. Overcome by hunger, exhaustion and injuries, it’s a struggle to the end.
  • Mygrations: Into The Unknown
    Meet the elite team that will brave harsh elements, deadly predators and each other as they attempt to endure Africa’s grueling wildebeest migration.
  • Mygrations: Lion's Den
    The herd continues its trek and enters dangerous new terrain. Unarmed and far from a hospital, two tap-outs rock their “safety in numbers” strategy.


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    Mygrations follows a team of 20 men and women in a feat that has never been attempted, as they...

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    Mygrations follows a team of 20 men and women in a feat that has never been attempted, as they...

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